ZhenHua signs East Baghdad Deal

By John Lee.

China’s ZhenHua Oil [Jinhua] has signed a service contract to develop the southern part of the East Baghdad oil field.

Oil Minister Jabar Ali al-Luaibi [Allibi, Luiebi] said that the signature of the contract was significance for Baghdad because it is the first project in the capital.

The development of the field will raise the production of the Midland Oil Company.

As part of the deal, the project will also provide social services, and see the construction of a housing complex with 2000 residential units.

(Source: Ministry of Oil)

Minister of Oil meets Head of Jinhua

By John Lee.

Oil Minister Jabar Ali al-Luaibi [Allibi, Luiebi] has met with Mr Lu Ygiang, the President of the Chinese company Jinhua, and his entourage.

The two parties discussed during the meeting about enforcing the bilateral cooperation and the development of East Baghdad oil field.

The Minister confirmed he was keen to prepare the appropriate work environment for the company, while Mr Ygiang said his company was ready to start work after “the completion of all the procedures“.

Late last year, the Ministry of Oil signed the initial form of the contract to develop the East Baghdad field with Jinhua.

(Source: Ministry of Oil)